It turns out remaining in the shadows is much harder than I had anticipated.
I'm not a dainty hunter and I have quickly come to the realization that my hot
pink SRL midnight lumos shader was a horrible choice for this expedition. You
might be wondering why I don't change it out, well its the same reason I can't
change anything out right now, BG and Shadow had the wonderful idea of
relinquishing all of our excess inventory to our vaults in order to make room
for the "sweet loot" that we would pick up from this Raid. Now here
I am, no loot, no backup gear, trying to hide as a giant hot pink princess with
no clue on whether or not the rest of my fireteam is even alive. I can't stay
here any longer if I don't go punch something I'm going to end up wasting my
super as an anxiety bubble. wait... I have an idea... I'll get back to you